Monday, January 14, 2008

cats and dogs and evolution

Hah I just found this old note I wrote on my Facebook, wanted to reshare it.

"So I was thinking today at work (as I tend to do often at work) where did all the different species of cats and dogs come from?

Did domestic dogs as we know them now evolve from a long line of canine ancestors originating from the least domestic canines, wolves? Do I believe wolves were one of the creatures God placed on the earth? Sure. Do I believe beagles and pugs and german shepards were running around when animals first came into existence? That I have a harder time believing. So if subspecies of dogs evolved from their canine ancestors, why did that evolution chain stop? Are new breeds of dogs still being classified or did that stop too? Do I believe animals are still evolving? I guess, but if domestic dogs evolved from their canine ancestors through thousands of years of dometication, why haven't they lost other aspects of their primal nature? Canines are predators by nature, however most breeds of domestic dogs wouldn't stand a chance as a predator. They have become smaller and weaker by nature, is this not a result of evolution?

Now here's where it gets even more confusing. I can believe domestic dogs evolving down from wolves and/or hyenas or whatever, but I dunno if I believe domestic cats evolved from their original, and also predator, feline ancestors such as cheetahs, tigers and lions. It seems like there's many more species of cat that are still wild predators then there are species of dogs but on the flip side there's many more breeds/species of domestic dogs than domestic cats. Did smaller predator cats such as the lynx and bobcat evolve from their larger ancestors? Or did God place all wild cats as we know them on Earth at the same time? The bobcat, cougar, puma, panther, lynx, cheetah, tiger, lion, liger, Tony, ect. Well scratch the liger, that's just a result of us playing God lol.

But really, did domestic cats evolve from tigers? Or did God places forms of domestic cats on the Earth and they have since just bred and inbred to produce all the different breeds of domestic cats we know now?

Which brings me to my next musing. The church I know is obviously against the theory of evolution where it pertains to humans but it isn't very clear where it stands according to animal evolution. When you think about it, it's really never talked about....ever. It's one of those things you think about and you ask your father because you think he's an authority on both topics. But we're adults now, we gotta think about these things!

So here's my final verdict. Dogs evolved from wolves. Cats are an alien race that flew in from a distant planet sometime during the time of the Romans. They are performing life-long studies of our race and sending the information back to their home planet via whisker transmissions. Why do you think cats are so stand off-ish and dogs aren't? Cats know we're trying to domesticate them and they let us, but only to the point they are allowed into our homes, and even then they let us know who's boss. You think the world will end with WW3? Pfftt..WW3 will be a war between our world and the world of cats. Mark my words...

Friday, January 4, 2008

on second thought...
