Monday, December 17, 2007


Haha so I was at the grocery store today with my friend William and we happened upon one of the nosiest and rudest older ladies (or even any person for that matter) that I've run into for a long long time.

So William and I were at the store right, we'd just come from Wingstop which was around the corner and we brought our drinks with us. As we were going down the aisles William stabbed my Styrofoam cup with his toothpick at the base so it leaked out what was left of my drink. I was kind of embarrassed we made a mess on the floor, so we got someone to come clean it up and then went walking down the aisle again. I told him I felt embarrassed when something like that happened, and he said he didn't. He said he didn't feel bad if someone had to clean up a mess he made, if it was on accident. Just then, an older woman passed us, she was probably in her 50s, we'll call her gladys). So Gladys passed by us with her grocery cart and turned the end of the aisle. Shortly after she passed, William began to say how if he, for instance, threw his open cup into her cart and made a mess, he would feel bad, because it would have been on purpose.

Now, Gladys is a nosy old lady, apparently she hadn't gone as far around the corner as we thought, because after William had mentioned her, she decided to poke her head back and ask (rather demandingly) what we had said. I thought that William would just simply tell her to mind her own business, but no, he politely explained to her what we had been talking about, and how he had used him throwing his cup into her cart as an example of making a mess on purpose, to which she replied, and I quote, "Well that's just a stupid thing to be having a conversation about!" I was shocked. First this lady decided to eavesdrop, maybe unintentionally but all the same, and then bluntly states that our conversation topic was stupid! I'm not a very controversial person, but even I was about to tell her off, but I couldn't get a word in as William started ahead of me. William proceeded to tell her that it was none of her business what we were talking about and it was a private conversation, but more rudely. She replied with some other nonsense about us being disrespectful and called William 'four-eyes' (he was wearing his sunglasses lol) and 'fat ass'. lol I couldn't believe her. Butts into our conversation, insults us, and then insults us some more. Those are the kind of people you hate to service when you're working, but love to run into in public places where you can call them whatever will make it right...ahhh.

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