Monday, December 22, 2008

cleaning up the system

There's a flaw in the system. An outdated burden on this country that weighs each and every one of us down. I'm talking, of course, about pennies. Why, oh why, are these copper-plated zinc coins that weigh 2.5 grams each still plaguing our progressive society? I'll tell you why, taxes. Taxes and their darn percentages of percentages, taking completely reasonable prices such as $1 and turning it into $1.08, thus creating a need for currency between 0 and 5 cents.

Okay, I understand that back in the day, when pennies began to be minted, that 1 cent was quite significant, with basic needs like a loaf of bread costing 4 or 5 cents, a pound of flour, 8 cents. But I think we can all collectively agree that those times are dead and gone, but still the penny persists. Everywhere you go, every purchase you make, things are coming down to pennies. My opinion is that the penny, the smallest minted denomination of currency, is obsolete. And I'm not the only one who thinks so, there's been a lot of controversy over the years over the topic of removing pennies from circulation. I, for one, fully support this and am amazed we haven't done it already.

Imagine a world where all purchases were tax-included and made to constrain to the nearest tenth of a dollar. That's right, get rid of nickels too. Weighing in at 5 grams (only .6 grams less than a quarter and worth only one fifth the amount), they easily could use some doing away with. If all the coins I had to carry were quarters and dimes, I would be a happy sailor (or at least happy). Now enter a magical place, where all purchasable goods and services are tax-included and rounded to the nearest half dollar. That's right, I'm talking about the movie theater. Why this is the only establishment I can think of that includes tax on it's purchases, I'm not sure, but I like it. Don't get me wrong, I still think prices at movie theaters are simply ridiculous; through the roof; but it's nice not having to worry about menial amounts of money, like 8 cents. If all the currency I had to carry was bills and 50¢ coins, that would be even better!

All we need is a 'matyr' so to speak, someone to die to show the rest of the world how unnecessary and useless pennies and nickels are. Now where to find some poor sod to bury under a mound of useless

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