Friday, September 28, 2007

sleeping in

Sleeping in can be a great thing, however, for me, it can be one of my greatest weaknesses. Unless my life is operating on a regular morning deadline, it's exceptionally difficult for me to get myself out of bed. It's ridiculous. I have a 10am class this semester I've already missed like 4 times because I can't manage to get out of bed and go. And it's not like I'm not able to get up because I'm going to bed too late the previous night, nooo I'm definitely getting like 7-8 hours of sleep the night before. I really think my body is just broken. No matter how hard I try to get myself on an 8hr sleep schedule, it's never been easy for me to get up, not EVER. It's mornings like this where I can barely drag myself out of bed after 12 hours of sleep that I just want to punch a morning person in the face. They have such a (talent?) and probably never realize how nice it is.

The worst part is I don't know how to remedy this problem. All my life I'm going to be plagued by sleep. Don't get me wrong, I love being able to sleep in when I have no other responsibilities, but when I do have them the evil side of my brain is able to subconsciously downplay them without the responsible side of my brain having any input. If I get anything less than an A in this class I keep missing it'll be solely because of sleeping in. Ultimately it stems from my discipline problem, but I'll leave that for another post.

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